Blog #5: Conan the Baby Barbarian

As a father, you may, like me, get all excited to teach your child all these crazy things, and as a cartoonist/artist, I must inspire an interest in cartooning and art! And what better way then to develop the story:

Conan the Baby Barbarian!

This of course will be based on the original Conan the Barbarian movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger (not the remake).

One problem though, that movie is very violent!

For instance, when Conan is bought by the red bearded guy, he is thrown into a Gladiator pit, very gory!

Well, the baby Conan story will go like this:

See, isn't that nice? It's just babies playing.

What other chapters from the movie should we do? Who can forget the great scene where this warlord asks his generals what is best in life - one general says, "The Wind, the open step, " something like this, basically the guy is a hippie, and then the warlord says, "Wrong! Conan! What is best in life!" (Because Conan happens to be in the middle of the dining table - chained on a pedestal), Now Conan's answer is not really baby story friendly ("Crush the enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women"), but with a fe adjustments, we have:

Now no Conan story is complete without Thulsa Doom, but how to work in Thulsa Doom to the baby story? I mean, Conan and Thulsa have a particularly violent relationship in the movie, but in baby Conan, they can be friends and play together! But perhaps with a little tension in the play...

Well that's all for now, I need a Valeria scene, and Tree of Woe? Maybe Tree of Wobbly fun?


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